Title Envy

Title envy

I’m not ashamed to admit I have title envy.

You know how it is when one of your favorite authors comes out with a new book and the title is so awesome, so dead on you think “Oh, yeah”?

Or when you ask your author friend what inspired the title of her newest book and she says, “Oh, the it came to me in a dream and the book practically wrote itself.”

Okay, I realize it’s not really that easy.  I’m sure most of us agonize weeks if not months over what we’re going to name our “babies.” Right?

So how does one choose the right title?

You need to make sure it fits the genre you’re writing in.  A modern-sounding title wouldn’t be appropriate for an historical.

Keeping with the tone of your book is important, too.  A comical title wouldn’t do at all for a dark paranormal.

Is there a phrase in your book that captures the essence of your story?  Maybe a quote from one of the characters?

Or maybe try using a play on words. Take for instance Damsel in This Dress, by Marianne Stillings. There’s our heroine (the damsel), and she’s in distress (this dress).  Get it?

Some of my other favorites:

Charmed and Dangerous, by Toni McGee-Causey,

Nearly Departed in Deadwood, by Ann Charles

Keep Me Ghosted, by Karen Cantwell

Still having trouble?  Check out these articles for more help:

writersrelief.com  (http://tinyurl.com/lh4adxj)

lightmessages.com (http://tinyurl.com/lj6ngvw)

Now it’s time for me to play a round of  “name that book” with my next book, which has a Valentine’s theme. I’m going the self-publishing route, but I’m stumped for a title. There’s a female sports writer, a hot accountant, his three nephews, and they’re stuck together in a snowstorm.

Suggestions are always welcome








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