2014 Goals- How’s It Going for Ya?

Me?  How am I doing on my 2014 goals?

Let’s see.  My short term goal was to write everyday in January.  I don’t have an exact count, but so far I’ve missed one day because of head a cold and several others from sheer laziness.  The smart thing would be to keep a writing journal so I can hold myself accountable.  This is where the laziness issue comes into play again.

And then there’s the damn cable.  Yes, I could (read, should) get up and walk away from the boob tube.  But I’ve just discovered Dr. Who.  And have you seen Tom Mison Sleepy Hollow?  Ugh, I have no will power.  And my kids are no help.  “Mom, come on.  You’re gonna miss Major Crimes!”

Still, I’ve gotten in more writing this month than I did in December, and January isn’t even over yet.  So I’m not feeling too bad.

So now let’s talk about my 2 long range goals:  Finishing 4 books in 2014 and blogging regularly.

Notice I didn’t say “get 4 books published in 2014”.  That would be, like, insane.  Come on.  But I feel taking 4 wips in various stages of completed-ness and getting them ready to send out, or even send, out is doable.  That is if I can find a method of story structure/writing process that works for me (see my previous post).  Once I get it down pat with the current wip, I’ll be able to apply it to the others and zip right through them.

At least that’s the plan.

And as for blogging, I’m going to have dig out the agenda I bought from the dollar store and start using it.  No ifs, ands, or buts.  If I’m gonna commit myself, I mean, be committed to producing certain things on certain days, then I damn well better get myself organized.  Right?

I can always take lessons from the 19-year-old.  Her organizational skills amaze me.

So, how are your 2014 goals coming along?

Many thanks to D’Ann Lindun who’s blog post reminded me what day it was and put a fire under my behind.


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